The Saudi Hispanic HUB has been established as a non-profit association

The Saudi Hispanic HUB has been established as a non-profit association of companies from the Spanish naval auxiliary industry, with an interest in promoting trade relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We intend to be a useful platform for the establishment of links between Spanish and Saudi companies related to the Naval sector, from which the constitution of alliances, joint-ventures or mixed companies can be born to serve the needs that arise in current or future projects in Saudi Arabia and in its area of ​​influence, not only in the short term, but also in the medium/long term.

From the HUB we open our doors to any company related to the naval sector that considers that the Saudi market is of interest to them. We want to provide all our members with visibility in both directions, both to make themselves known and present their capabilities, and to meet like-minded companies in Saudi Arabia.

We will make available to members useful information related to the country, relevant news from the sector, reference projects, investment and development plans and, in short, any business information that allows each member to access relevant data and information on which to build your own commercial or implementation strategy.

The initiative, already supported by more than 20 companies in the sector, has so far been presented to Saudi representatives of GAMI, the Presidency of Navantia, S.A., S.M.E, the Secretary of State for Trade, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as to other organizations such as ICEX, Extenda – Andalucía Exportación e Inversión Extranjera, etc. The reception to the proposal has been overwhelming and we appreciate from here all the support we are receiving.

We’re on the go!

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